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Electrolytes are pivotal to athletic performance. Electrolytes, like sodium and magnesium, are critical for proper hydration, nerve function, muscle function and body pH.
Loaded with electrolytes and B vitamins to fuel tough workouts, serious races and big days out in the hills, Gnarly HYDRATE is low in sugar, big on taste, and formulated to keep you charging toward your best.
In order to stay hydrated, you need to keep drinking. In order to keep you drinking, we’ve made Gnarly Hydrate light, refreshing, and downright delicious.
Formulated to optimally replace the fluid and electrolytes you lose when you sweat.
Packed with B vitamins and trace minerals to support energy metabolism and performance.
Just enough sugar to hydrate you effectively without causing gut rot.
Light, refreshing and just plain delicious.
Safe for athletes of all ages.
All flavors are NSF Content Certified and Orange Pineapple is also NSF for Sport Certified.
NSF Content Certified Products go through a toxicology review, label claim testing and contaminant testing for heavy metals, microbes and pesticides.
NSF for Sport Certified Products must pass NSF Content Certification and are additionally tested for over 270 substances that are banned by professional sports leagues as well as national and international doping oversight organizations.