WanderPack™ is made for wild periods.
WanderPack is a women-founded brand that creates gear for periods on outdoor adventures. We provide bright, fun and functional gear to manage backcountry periods while promoting leave no trace priciples and helping fight period stigma while we're at it.
Learn more about us in the tabs below...
WanderPack's Story

A Note From The Founder
WanderPack™ began during my days as an Outdoor Pursuits trip leader while leading backpacking expeditions in the Blue Ridge mountains. Until WanderPack, standard practice for dealing with periods in the backcountry was to wrap ziploc bags in duct tape and store all used period products in that bag for the duration of the trip.
As you can probably imagine, there were many problems with this DIY solution: no storage for unused products (juggling multiple bags on the trail), not hangable as a bear bag (ending up in bear bags with food and toiletries– ick), and dealing with old waste every time you open the bag… overall, pretty unpleasant. Not to mention, no gear to manage this problem signals to female backpackers that their problem isn’t valid and contributes to period stigma.
After leading a week-long trip in 2021, I decided to tackle that problem and founded WanderPack through the Wake Forest University Startup Lab program.
WanderPack is gear made to manage periods on the trail. It is made from 2 components: re-usable packs and disposable storage inserts.
For product details, check out the "What is WanderPack?" tab.
WanderPack began as a passion project that grew into a startup as I realized dealing with period products in the backcountry was an industry-wide problem that needed solving. By providing bright, fun, and functional gear to make dealing with wild periods easy and efficient, our goals are to boost confidence, fight period stigma, and help explorers get back to focusing on their outdoor adventures.
Expedition on, period!
-Alex, WanderPack Founder

WanderPack is made from two parts: re-usable packs and disposable storage inserts. There are two versions of WanderPack designed for different outdoor trips. WanderPack Light is made for 1-2 day trips (uses 1 WanderPack insert at a time) and WanderPack Expedition is made for 2-4 day trips (uses 2 WanderPack inserts at a time).
WanderPack Reusable Packs are:
•Tear and water resistant
•Hangable as a standalone bear bag
•Include storage for new/unused period products
•Clip to outside of backpacks for easy access
WanderPack Storage Inserts are:
•Opaque for privacy (pink for confidence!)
•Contain separate pockets to store each day’s waste
•Use a two-tier sealing system (re-openable layer and permanent seal)
Check out our brand videos to see how to use WanderPack!
WanderPack - For Wild Periods