Surf More, Search Less
Storing your surfing gear has never been so easy.
Living in Sunshine
LISS is about more than just the Spirit Rack. To us, LISS is a way to bring together surfers from across the globe who care about two things: protecting their gear and protecting the planet. Through our innovative products, we’ve helped hundreds of surfers just like you have peace of mind and LIVE IN SUNSHINE everywhere!

How it began...
LISS began in the sunny city of Tel Aviv, Israel. With a lifelong passion for surfing, we faced the challenge of keeping our gear organized. Traditional racks that we tried fell short, so we decided to create an easier, better solution.
Expert Craftsmanship
We knew that creating the perfect rack would take time, so we devoted ourselves full-time to LISS. Based on what we’ve learned through years of woodworking experience, we crafted prototype after prototype until we were satisfied. From the drawer to the interlocking pieces, we wanted a rack that was equal parts functional and beautiful.
The result? A patented rack made from 100% eco-friendly materials that requires zero tools or screws.

The Future
LISS doesn’t stop with the Spirit Rack. We plan to expand our collection to keep meeting surfers’ needs and providing the highest-quality products. Hang ten and stick around to see what we come up with! If you subscribe to our emails below, so you’ll be the first to know.
Product Presentation